It’s the holiday season and we are bombarded with so many sales, many stores are competing against each other to see who can offer the best price. When we think about buying we often ask ourselves if this is a good price. We purchase items based on it’s worth or sometimes just because it is on sale . We often carefully deliberate because we do not want to squander our money because we work very hard to earn it.
Now I want to shift your focus a bit, do you know what you are worth? Having a sense of self-worth means that you value yourself. According to Dr. Christina Hibbert Self-worth is recognizing that ‘I am greater than all of those things.’ It is a deep knowing that I am of value, that I am loveable, necessary to this life, and of incomprehensible worth.” Many of us often struggle with believing that we are valuable. We base our self worth on the type of job we have, the opinions of others, how we look physically, our net worth and some persons based their worth on the status of their friends.
When we base our self worth on external factors it is easy for us to undervalue ourselves. It makes us more susceptible to be abused or mistreated in our relationships with others. When we do do not value ourselves it also makes it difficult for us to practice self love. Basing our self worth on external factors is also harmful to one’s mental health. You may feel insecure, unstable and experience bouts of anxiety when you do not believe that your life has value.

So how do we determine if we have low self worth? If you have difficulty setting boundaries, you constantly doubt yourself, you find it difficult to accept compliments, you value the opinion of others above your own opinion, find yourself putting the needs of others before your needs most of the time or is afraid of sharing your authentic self with others, then you may be struggling with your self worth.
It is important for us to be aware that no matter what we do or don’t do, we are worthy and valuable. You need to recognize your self-worth and this can be achieved by practicing a few steps:
Rewrite your core beliefs about yourself through affirmations. Instead of telling yourself that you are worthless, tell yourself that you are worthy and that you love yourself. Practice daily affirmations for approximately 10 minutes each day.
Practice self care instead of people pleasing. Learn to say no to others and yes to yourself.
Practice Journaling. Journaling can help you to identify both your strengths and weaknesses. You become more self aware and through journaling you are able to reveal your authentic self.
When you begin to understand, accept, and love yourself, you will reach a point where you no longer depend on people, accomplishments, or other external factors for your self-worth. The best thing you can do for yourself is to recognize your worth and know that your value comes from inside.
